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Navigating Section A of ChildPlus: A Lighthearted Guide

Image of hands typing on a laptop with school supplies on desk

Welcome to Section A of ChildPlus, where numbers and details can feel as elusive as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. But fear not, fellow administrators! We’ve got a handy guide to help you navigate this labyrinth with ease and a dash of humor. Let's dive in!


A2 through A6: The Twins

First things first, A2 through A6 must equal A1. Think of them as the identical quintuplets of ChildPlus – they must look exactly the same, no matter the situation. Use the setup and configuration tools in your program information to confirm this. It's like making sure all your ducks are in a row – and they all quack the same way.


Salary Information: The A7 and A8 Conundrum

Got slots in A7 and A8? You'll need the corresponding salary information for your provider in section B. Make sure A9 is accurate and reflective of reality. Picture this as filling in a Mad Libs story – it only makes sense if the pieces fit perfectly.


Anomalies in A10: Spot the Oddball

Review A10 with the keen eye of a detective. Look for anomalies like children who are either too young or too old for the program. It's like finding Waldo in a sea of conformity.


A13: The Double-Check Zone

A13 needs a thorough review in ChildPlus. Corrections are essential, and using Report 2008 can ensure every child’s funding and income status is spot on. Double-check the math here – it's your safety net.


The Income Eligibility Puzzle: A14

Be ready for A14, where you demonstrate that all eligible children are being served. This involves some mathematical gymnastics with A.18.b.1 through A.18.b.3, all equaling A.18. Think of it as solving a Rubik's Cube – every twist and turn has to align perfectly.

A18 & Beyond: Equations and Confirmations

From A18.b.1 to A18.b.3 equaling A.18 to confirming A24 (childcare subsidy) and A28 (transportation), this part is about making sure everything adds up. Does your program provide transportation? If so, double-check A24. If not, that question should be zero. Confirm this question. This is the equivalent of ensuring every puzzle piece fits into the bigger picture. A.18 total includes A.18.a, not just A.18.b.


A25h and Race Data: Clear as Crystal

When it comes to A25h, any family identifying as "other" or "unspecified" must have an explanation. Think of this as making sure no one at the party is a mystery guest.


The Math of A26: Double Check!

A26 should equal the cumulative number A12. Double-check this math like you would double-check your lottery ticket numbers – every digit matters.


A29: Manual Entry

Finally, ensure A29 manual entry is completed. It's the grand finale of your Section A journey, like placing the cherry on top of a sundae.


Remember to use the ChildPlus Calculation Guide as your go-to resource. This blog post serves as an additional resource- consider it your cheat sheet through this process. Keep in mind, ChildPlus will only tell you what data you have; it won't alert you to any math mismatches. So, stay vigilant and double-check everything! You've got this!

Check back next week for the next part in this blog series, a guide to Section B.

Interested in learning more about this topic or other ways you can improve your program? The team at Sawyer Consulting Solutions is here to help you showcase all the amazing ways your program supports the community. Schedule a free, no-obligation, no-cost discovery call with us today. 

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